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Your First Visit

During your first visit with us, we will spend time gaining an understanding of what brought you in for assistance. This may be through an initial consultation meeting, or if you are seeking a specific service like testing or counseling, at the intake appointment. Once the nature of the concern is clarified, we will make our recommendation regarding the most appropriate course of action.


For child or adolescent psychoeducational assessment, our initial meeting will be with just the parent(s) or guardian(s). This allows us to gain a deep understanding of the issues and spend the time we need to review your concerns thoroughly. An interview with your child or adolescent will be conducted at a later date as part of the assessment. For young adults, only the young adult is needed for the assessment intake. In the case of counseling or consultation, we may ask that the child or adolescent be included in the initial session depending on the concern. A parent or guardian must attend the initial appointment.



What to bring


When seeking services, it is helpful for us to review prior evaluations, school paperwork, treatment summaries, etc. This helps us gain a well-rounded, ecological view of the child and the presenting concern. Types of documents that we find helpful include:

  • Prior evaluations (psychological, medical, speech/language, occupational therapy, etc.)

  • Most recent IEP or 504 plan

  • Most recent special educational eligibility

  • Report cards

  • Work samples

  • Medical diagnoses

  • Treatment summaries



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